Monday, January 30, 2012

Connecting one to another!

So it's almost the end of our beloved January!

It was a busy month for me and the family here in this 
'Worlds Longest Renovation'

We have worked hard, and somewhere in between the hard work
we also had a quick drive & 3 day fling in Sydney, 
where we attended a 
Beautiful wedding at a most gorgeous venue called 
Curzon Hall

and as you can see I had fun posing while we waited for the bride and groom arrive! 

After our 3 day fling we returned to the half-built home

with the realization that these long lazy days are coming to a close!

It's a tricky thing to get back into the 'routine' when you have had
over a month to enjoy being so utterly 
out of one :)

Anyhow, the bonus for me when the family gets back in the
 will be umpty-eight dirty dishes less to wash throughout each day, and x(100+1) less 
sullen mood-swings from 'oh-so-bored' teenagers/kids who 
just love to stir each other until one or all are in tears and 
old Mummabear here is
growling and waving her paws about with claws out and ready to swipe at the one who pretends they had 'nothing' to do with the whole shebarkle!!

Yep the return of kids to school/Tafe
means I might get a little more time to concentrate my time on things I want to achieve.

The one thing I have set out to achieve for myself this year is 
the Instagram photoaday challenge,
and the pursuit of this 'ere blog called 


and connecting it all up with 
my VintageNobility Facebook page 
and my VintageNobility Twitter account 
oh and let's not leave out my VintageNobility Pinterest account! 

I think the hardest part was figuring out how to link and connect them's much like unravelling the Christmas lights!

So, if you're on any of those sites do stop by and have a look-see for 


tell me if I am doing it right
and if not - be kind and drop me any valuable hints you might have discovered in your pursuit of all things Blog and Social Media associated!

I'm new to this fun - so please be kind and drop me a line!

Above is one of my Instagram photos, taken as we were leaving Sydney...Share the Love!!

Love and Light Always...


Coming up...
My visit to the Donna Hay store in Sydney

lots of delicious pictures to view! 

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