Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1st 2016 - A New Year!

Happy New Year!

It's the 1st of January 2016! 
I have been a tad emotional about the end of the year/the beginning of a new year - after such a Divine and unexpected blessing last year; I find myself overwhelmed, and while it's probably just motherhood hormones adjusting as Ruby grows, it brought to the surface all the fears of unexpected possibilities! A new year is like a blank canvas stretched out in front of me and I'm not quite sure how to begin what 2016 - what will look like!?
So maybe I'll just take it one day at a time...with baby steps! 
Like we did last year through the pregnancy! 
Today Ruby took up all my time; and that's ok, hard because I want to work on a few little projects around the house...but I know, I keep reminding myself, that these days will pass by and the projects will still be there; but my baby will not remain a baby for very long! 

So day one of 2016 was spent holding and strolling with my Ruby! Enjoying the refreshing breeze and cooler temperature after yesterday's 40+ scorcher! 

We managed a trip to the park: for Ruby's sake, we have to lean to like the park again!

So here we are at 11.15pm, my eyelids are heavy, and that's day one of this New Year with its finely sketched lines drawn! 
2016 - welcome and come on in! 
xxx Rowie xxx

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