Lordy...if this 'ere blog was a baby (and in a way - it is!)
I think I'd have to raise my hand and say
"Guilty, your Honour"
to the charges of neglect!
As mentioned in my previous posts,
one of my little challenges to 'Me/Myself/I', this year,
is to be a little more
'Social Media savvy',
to educate myself in all things
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest and Blogger,
link it all together and use it to
participate and stay connected with other busy
friends, families, strangers and businesses
and all and sundry who choose to stop by in their busy day and
take a peek!
In amongst this ambitious attempt to become
Social Media savvy,
we here in the VintageNobility house are
undertaking the major renovations to take it from its original
Shoe-box size
to its new
Castle-esque proportions!
All of which we (my hubby and I)
are now doing by ourselves now!
So if I'm "Guilty" of neglect,
its because I am up there...
on the second level,
Urrrm over here - on the other side (waving hand madly - yep here :)...
Up here, on the ladder, holding up another piece of timber, while the nail gun in his hand - blasts my eardrums!
(Warning: Ramble sirens should probably be switched on now!)
Now let's be clear here
this is so much more than a 'renovation',
it's been a rebuild,
and long before the house grew up,
we had to prepare the foundations of the house (which at the beginning literally sat on dirt --> now it has at least 70cm of clearance underneath),
yep and Mr VintageNobility had to re-stump, and ensure it would be strong enough to withstand the weight of what was to come!
Furthermore, it's funny, when I think in reflection of what we have undertaken physically with this mammoth effort
because it has also translated into our relationship!
Everyday, we must rely on each other, to have the faith and the motivation to wake up and work together, and step up to the challenge of another day of striving to turn what was once an idea, a dream, a plan,
into a reality,
into something which we can now both touch, see and admire,
every day
our endurance, physically, emotionally and spiritually is tested!
we can testify, that much like our home, the dynamics of our little family is stronger, well joined and feels renewed
I honestly feel like I'm in the happiest time of my life!
I am "Guilty" of neglecting this baby-blog,
however I am building it a beautiful home
so we can raise it in comfort!
I know you're an understanding mob,
and you all have busy lives too ;)
And I'm sure you'll be happy to get any action here when it happens
and here we are with this moment
ready for a quickie post!
So let's get on and make the most of it!
One of the questions I have had to ask myself about this
is, "What do you want for this blog, what do you want to translate to those who take the time to read it?"
and the answer that comes to mind over and over
I want it to be real and honest!
I want it to be a real account of what we're
doing, who we are, and what our lives entail, our hopes, our thoughts, our ups and downs, and the genuine journey I'm on!
I don't want to present myself as someone with a glamorous life,
because my life is not glamorous!
I don't want to flog pictures off Pinterest
of a house, a room, or anything I haven't laughed, sweated and cried over!
I don't want to talk up stuff to the point of being a turn off!
I'm certainly not aiming for notoriety, or celebrity blogger status,
I am just a lass
with noble qualities
who wants to share and inspire and be inspired!
I am more than happy to laugh and cry with my followers, connect and be connected with others in this busy little life of mine!
While our walls are still being
and my Frenchy/Vintage/Shabby/Industrial
fancies are somewhat confined and contained
and in storage,
just waiting to be opened up and revealed
and appreciated!
And while, for the moment,
I can't show you white walls and luxurious room arrangements,
and I can't display all the pretty purchases and products
I have - when I can I will - but given the works happening here I just can't do that at this time,
but what I can do for now is...
I can show you little bits of
my pretty frenchy/shabby/vintage finds
found, here and there...
my pretty frenchy/shabby/vintage finds
found, here and there...
little bits of things found, collected, discovered,
things searched for and cherished,
things I have refinished,
things salvaged and painted,
I can show you more power-tools and wall studs and scaffolding...
but I know that's not the most breathtaking stuff to view either!
For certain, what I can and will show you is
it won't always be fabulous and sparkly,
not necessarily shiney or new!
But it Is for real!
Yep my baby-blog is intended to be a place for your parched heart
My etched glass looks so pretty and refreshing on my blue table!
to come and check in
Recently dragged home
for the bargain price of $2.20 each (try buying them from the vintage shops at THAT price!)
with some serious intentions scheduled - I'll update you as soon as I start on these!
take a seat and sit down,
feast upon what is on offer,
My summer salad
featuring, basil, tomato, spanish onion, fresh mozerella, cracked salt'n'pepper, olive oil!
My Donna Hay Chocolate Brownies - baked from scratch - not out of a box!
You can find her recipe here
A recent baking effort of Plum cake!
My first attempt at Faloodeh -a Persian treat in Summer!
and savour the moments shared!
Now if you long for more updates and instalments
You can of course always catch up with me on my
and for those who have no time to read words and prefer
well Instagram might be more your thing - I'm loving it and can't stop clicking stuff on my iPhone!
If you haven't already downloaded that app
then stop whatever you are doing and go download it
because you are missing out
on some fun to be had!
Perhaps you might like to join me in Fatmumslim's photoaday challenge?
Of course, if you like being inspired and oohing and arrrhing over pretty stuff,
might be worth a peek - I have several albums filled with
breathtaking images, funny stuff, random bits, wise words, yummy nomnomnom stuff, kiddy stuff - check them out, if you have a bit of time to play with (waste)!
Do your kids need clothes? Want some nice bits - without the heavy price tags? Well head on over to my Ebay sales
have a looksee and take advantage of the BuyItNow option if you don't like bidding wars ;)
Ok that's it for me - this afternoon -
keeping it real, means telling you I need to go cook something and eat something other than just crackers and honey!
Have a lovely evening
So have a good one and stay cool if you're hot
and warm if ya not!
Love & Light
xxxxxx Rowena xxxxxx
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