Thursday, April 19, 2012

Well Hellooooo pretty ladies 

(or gents - no gender bias here;)!

Snapshot of my pretty little ladies all bundled altogether in one big picture!

Hope I find you well and with a drink in your hand and a moment to sit!

So Nice...yup, I'm a Soy girl

Let me start with a 
for taking this moment to read my little ol' blog here!

Some gardenia's picked out of the garden,; gracing my purple glass luvlies today!

Sooooo, when the kids returned from their adventures 
my blogging was once again naturally suspended...

They're at school at the moment - so I will take what brief time I have between the many things,
I am,
 at this very moment,
 procrastinating over,
 enjoy this sweet little minute with you!

So what's happening in the world of VintageNobility... 
 the daily grind of life is back,
now that the school holidays are done,

We're walking to school each morning,

We're cooking 


Roasted Pumpkin & Chickpea salad!


Gobbling Ruby Red Jewels from Pommegrante's grown by my gorgeous Mother In Law! 

I've done some foofing about 
with bit's I have managed to get done (or almost done)

and skipping about over new 'vintage' finds...

I call this lady 'ere Tilly - she is sooooo petite and delicate and holds little teaspoons!

This dainty lady - hmmm...has no name - but is probably pretty enuff without one!

I wasn't going to 
- but then -
I thought about it 
I just couldn't resist! 
It just is soooo sweet and I know it will be cherished alongside my rosey china!

Grindley Blue Lupin Platter - what's not to love - $10 sealed it!

most importantly
feeling very blessed with my life,
even in all the chaos and renovating dis-order

So if your still reading at this point, and have stuck it out to here
Can I give you a virtual hug?

And tell you this...
Thank you,
I may not have a Sister
but I do love the 'Sista's'
 I have made with
 in this journey called

I love the sista's who I meet through my 
Blogging attempts, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!

I hope you will consider yourself one of my 
Sista's and let me know how you're doing!

Where can I find you?
What are you doing with your days?
What are your hopes and dreams?

As always... 
 you're too shy to say "hey" here 
you're always welcome to drop
in on me 
over on Facebook
Pinterest :)

Or Follow me and check out my regular updates in pictures on Instagram!

May your day be filled with 
sweet goodness of 
Sunshine and Lollypops!

Enuff procrastinating for now...gotta go get on with this day :)

Or maybe just flip through this for the afternoon!! :P

xxxx Love & Light xxxx


Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Happy Wednesday

If we were on a roller coaster we'd be on the top of the rise
getting ready to put our arms in the air
as we roll down the other side to
the weekend!
and I'd probably let out a girly and excited scream too :)

Hope your week is rolling along smoothly!

I have been taking full advantage of the quietness of our house 
with the kids being away in the country with 
their cousins!

Wearing pretty dresses 
in this gorgeous Autumn Melbourne weather 
and foofing about 
with a red rose in my hair! 

In all honestly though,
I do miss the hustle and bustle of life with my 3 kiddos,
but that said,
I am enjoying 
being free to choose what I want to cook and eat,

But some days I just don't want to cook!
 I like to eat my crackers, 
with danish feta, honey from our bees and topped persian rose-petals! 

I like to do things that would otherwise 
not normally be allowed 

Such as eating this sweet treat - a salted caramel tartlet bought on Tuesday afternoon
and sharing it over coffee - for breakfast - this morning!

Yes sireee, I do like this little bit of freedom of choosing
when I want to cook & eat,
and how I choose to spend away the hours of the days,
working on all my little 'projects' 

Anyhoo, they'll be back soon!

With my 'Me Time'
I've been working on another round of bits'n'bobs 
to get listed on eBay shortly,

and I've bought a few more large old wire baskets,
which I find are very useful for storage of bits & pieces
while we're living in this half-finished house!


This afternoon I have finished stripping the paint off 
one of my french cafe chairs,
I have ground down my fingernails - in the process -
however these chairs are far more important to me
than long fancy fingernails!!!

Here is the Before
And the after (so far)

I'll give it a bit of a whitewash on the timber slats
then clear coat it all over to protect the metal from rusting!

I'm enjoying a bit of 
Eddie Vedder and his Ukulele songs on Youtube
as I sit with you here!

I've been listening to his tunes quite a bit lately!

Whats high on your ipod rotations?

Any musical suggestions?
C'mon lurkers,
Don't be shy

Let's get some conversations going!

IF you're too shy to say "hey" here 
you're most welcome to drop
in on me 
over on Facebook
Pinterest :)

Or check out my life in pictures on Instagram!

That's a wrap from me here!

Time alone with my hubby 
without the kiddos
hardly ever happens

So I'm outta here!

xxxx Love & Light xxxx


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Juggling clocks; there's never enough Time!

Good Lord 

Where have the last coupla months gone?

OK - I'll admit it...

I kinda suck at the whole blogging thing!

At the moment, 
I struggle to juggle my time and write up about what's going on.
That's because,
I am probably just too busy
Living in the moments!

However that said - I did pledge to attempt to get good at the bloggy thing!
So apologies for the long absence
but I am back - here- right now...
so let me show you what I have been up to
and what's cookin' with me!

Please note: all the pictures here in this blog are taken by me
and if you love an image so much 
I don't mind sharing
- in fact that'd be flattering -
but please do be polite and link it back to this blog! 

Of Course,
If you'd prefer to quickly review my life in pictures 
then please join me (after you finish reading this post:) 
or over at
if you're an iPhone camera addict!
I am good at instant little updates - with my iPhone photos! 

Oh, and if your a Twitter freak...hmm...well I have linked up to that too - but I'm not an active twitter-er!
All said...
I'd love to connect with other bloggers/facebookers/twitter-er's and Instagrammers
experienced and newbies :) all welcome!

Okey dokey, so if we just rewind a bit back to February (gulp)
I will show you what we have been working on...
First lets start with the house!

For those of you joining me here for the first time,
we are into our 3rd year of renovating this house!
It's actually a rebuild and has been doubled in size since we began
with additional verandahs added all around...
It's a huge project and 90% of it has been done by me and my amazing husband (Mr VintageNobility or Mr VN for those who like to abbreviate)

Nail holes have been filled, the gap sealant is on and now we about to add the frames around the windows and paint the north wall!

It's a long as slow process and it's being done with care and devotion to details - this is not your usual 'slap bang hey presto house'.

This house is barely recognizable to it's original state 
and even though it's taken longer than we anticipated 
I am loving the journey we're in!

So meanwhile life with 3 (two big and 1 little) kiddos goes on!

Annnd...much like snakes and ladders (I was playing this with my little one recently) we have the usual ups and downs in our daily grind!

So anyhoo, 
in February we got back into the swing of school and the daily grind that happens after a lovely Summer! 

Because I can't sit still for long,
I fidgit like a 3 year old when expected to sit and wait for things to happen for me,
I have naturally kept myself entertained in my own fabulous and chaotic ways!

I am having an Aqua affair lately - I can't help it,
the Aqua lust I have held within me has finally been unleashed and just about everything I look at 
has to either be aqua or sit nicely next to something that is aqua!

Here are a few of my favourite Aqua treasures!

Yep - I heart my Aqua treasures! 

A cute little saucer I recently found! 

and an old vintage tin I adore!

Alright - that'll do - ENuff Aqua Lusting...

So yeah,
I managed to sand back one of those rusty Sebel chairs I'd picked up early in February!
Then I took some time to think about leaving it in it's natural/vintage industrial state... or giving it a coat of fresh white paint

Of the 13 I picked up - 3 of them were rusted and need some painting love! 

but eventually the Aqua lust got the better of me and I opened my paint tin up and gave it some Aqua love that would've made Barry White turn blue :)

It has been given a slight bit of a shabby-luv-scratchback - as I didn't want it looking too 'new'! 

I then spied the old bedhead/ends in the corner and so began the transformation

The intention is to turn these ends into lovely big old cafe style blackboards

Now while I love the aqua - I didn't want it to be so strongly emphasized either - so I have stripped the paint back and just left enough in the woodgrain to prove my Aqua devotion - but maintain the elegance of the old wood frame .

As I type, one of them is almost done - I just need to give it a couple more coats of blackboard paint - then find somewhere to store it!!!!

I'll post some 'finished pictures' in the next update!

Further to that...

While selling off on eBay
 kids clothes, long outgrown, I have also been 
spending the winnings on a few good eBay finds!

I have been keeping an eye out for genuine, vintage cafe chairs;
and the other week spied these and kept watch on them, assuming they'd go sky high in price by auction end...but thankfully no one else bid on them and I won them - Bargain!

In this photo they look good - but actually they're heavily layered up in paint and kinda lumpy - not in that attractive layered way I have begun the stripping back process - and here begins another project!

I have progressed further than this photo shows- and this chair is almost back to it's naked state... Once I get the other one done I will probably give them a light white wash! 
Like the blackboard - I will post more pictures of them once they're done!

March 21st was the anniversary of when I met my husband 22 years ago, 2 years later I married my beautiful husband, and so, on March 22nd we celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary!


My husband, is the love of my life, he's my best friend, my builder and I love having those strong protective arms around me or those hands in mine!

He knows me
- and still he loves me -
I have been blessed with
this beautiful soul
I look forward to our eternity together!

In loving me, and knowing me,
he is happy to take me to treasure hunting places like
the Camberwell Market every now and again
here in Melbourne each Sunday

and he sees my love of Frenchy, Shabby, Vintage and Chic bits
 best of all - he supports my taste and style...
and doesn't mind me foofing about with bits of
glass, rusty metal, rosey china, lacey or sparkly stuff
He gets me!

Anyway, here are a few of my recent market finds...

Alrighty tighty then -
that'll do from me for today!
I'll keep on trying to get into the swing of this whole bloggin thing,
and hopefully catch you up for another post
soon rather than later :)

xxxx Love and Light xxxx
